When life hands you lemons,

put them down, make yourself some tea and do your lymphatic drainage.

This past week I was reminded of just how grateful I am for my hands. Waking up with swollen, stiff fingers left me helpless. I had no choice but to rest and listen to what my body had to say. What was I holding onto that was ultimately leading to pain?

The hands hold deep symbolism as communicators of life. They bring life to our actions and express emotions too big for words. They carry messages of love and hate through the power of touch. Allow us to both give and receive.

I’ve been brewing some ideas over here - ways to support myself and my dreams to travel, be with family, and create beauty in the world around me. Getting reminders and lessons in what’s important and best to focus on. And in this process of creating clarity, I’ve had to acknowledge the ways I hold myself back. What’s familiar and easy, what’s just another excuse.

And I see where I’ve been holding too tightly. Where I’ve made stories of struggle and sat back in the acceptance of it. Holding to these things is not necessarily bad, it’s just time to recognize what else can be held.

So once again, here I am in declaration of my dreams. I wish to help others feel and be more empowered in their lives. I want to teach meaningful techniques to bring you into your body and find your peace. To share the delicious things in life and explore the world. I want to share my art with you. I want to treat you to moments of contentment. Life gets to feel good, you know?

Okay, so all of that said, I’m serious about the lymphatic drainage. I’m positive this injury cleared out so quickly because of the additional support I was giving it with this work. And the best part? It’s pretty easy to do yourself. I’ll be diving way more into the lymphatic system as we go along, but I want to give a few quick tips that will have you feeling brighter in no time.

Boost your immunity

First and foremost, drink some water.

Add a pinch of sea salt and citrus for an extra boost of vitamins and minerals.

Next up, SHAKE.

The lymphatic system relies on pressure to circulate, so movement is vital. I love shaking because it gets us out of our heads and releases tension you don’t even realize you’re carrying. And it’s fun.

Now take some real deep belly breaths.

Start tapping the tops of your collarbones. Tap your jaws. Your cheeks. Your brows. The top of your head. Aaaand shake it out.

Doesn’t that feel good?

Do this anytime you’re feeling stuffed up and overwhelmed. Your body will know what to do, we just need to create the space for it.

Together in the wild,



Not overthinking it