Buttered Up

Here is a truly wonderful reason to give thanks during your celebration this month: homemade butter.

It is awfully easy and endlessly fun to experiment with butter for exciting new flavors.

All that’s required is a food processor (or mixer), heavy cream, and about 10 minutes.

STEP 1: Pour the heavy cream into the food processor or mixer.

STEP 2: Watch the heavy cream turn into whipped cream. This should take 1-2 minutes.

STEP 3: Allow the food processor to continue working and the whipped cream will begin to thicken and clump together more.

STEP 4: Continue to work the slowly forming clumps until there is a separation of butter and buttermilk.

STEP 5: Pour the buttermilk out of the food processor. Work the butter until buttermilk stops forming.

— Save the buttermilk for biscuits —

STEP 6: Put butter on everything.

It’s also fun to try out different flavor combinations.
Personal favorite: 1/2 cup blueberry — zest of 1 lemon — honey.

With self-control, refrigerated homemade butter should last 1-2 week.

Give thanks to your loved ones with homemade butter!!




Oh, The Horror