DANDELION: Air - Masculine - He ARIES: Fire - Mars - Cardinal

CRYSTALS/RESINS/STONES: Sunstone - Citrine - Tiger’s Eye CHAKRA: Root

His bitterness introduces the cleanse. A mover with the tenacity of a lion. Sunny blooms into scattering moons. Infinitely floating wishes that begin with a blown breath. He is a gypsy in action. He is nature’s freedom.

Dandelion is a man of contradiction. He travels without direction but roots deeply. He welcomes fertilization but produces seeds in its absence. To observe him is to study contrast. 

He is a provider for pollinators. Though his stay is brief. He swiftly nurtures his young for flight. So wishful winds may free them from family, to rule self. Each one a return of the sun. Each one a piece of him. 

His longevity comes from a willingness to adapt. A boldness to colonize even the most hostile places. Leave a bit of his essence and he will rise from the dead. 

He is a sunflower who walks into darkness. Unwilling to waste time, he lives deeply in preparation for his end. His duality is his opportunity. An unrestrained drifter turned fixed flower.  A wanderer between worlds. A healer in whole. He purifies the grey and moves to color. A devotee of trust. A believer that completeness is clarity’s illusion. 

He enters dreams to leave thoughts of ageless and undying happiness. Or deep-seated weeds to mark a signal for change. A burst of joy ready for a life-giving destruction. What is faced is what is fleeting.

He submits to simply being. A fearless rider of the transforming winds. Inspiring friendship in the powerful unseen. A caller for preparation and foundation. He reaches deep and supports the primal hope. He marks a restoration to playful spirit. A vision unhindered and enlightened. A return to purity.

Each sacrifice brings with it unique freedom. Every submission a peek into the void. But the tempest is nothing more than violent renewal. A hopeful opportunity. A fair shake of habit. Dandelion is the master leaning into chaos, so sure of its order.  

Order Your Flagship Tea Today:

Chamomile, Peppermint, Holy Basil, Dandelion Root, and Milk Thistle


