SAGE: Masculine - He - Air & Earth TAURUS: Earth - Venus - Fixed

CRYSTALS: Serpentine - Ocean Jasper CHAKRA: Third Eye - Crown

Sage is a man of the seven directions. An average compass with added dimensions. Looking to Father Sky and Mother Earth and The Great Spirit for guidance. He is focused on healing and saving through movement. Addressing the stillnesses of dis-ease. He is the light of Spring to follow a dark and contemplative Winter. A step into effort from the cold wait. 

Sage is a redeemer of emotional strength. The brightness needed to alleviate the sorrow. The extended hand of gracious health. His leaves are a token of longevity. A payment of time for the clarity that comes with wisdom. Ask him what is wondered and take the time to listen. Find value in his lens of anti-illusion to view with solvency the solutions abound. 

He is a breaker of spells both mythical and emotional. Cursing the evil eye with a baffling blindness. Decoys for the illusion. Soothing the burns of envious think. A scorched earth for greater growth and grounding.

His smoke coils with connection from the rooting steps of Earth to the swirling fantasies of Wind. A piece of home for the fluttering heart. A wealth of worth to quiet the wandering worries. Sage is the strength to clear closeted monsters. To face the dismally discordant and listen for hushed harmonies. His kindness is a first footprint on a field of fresh freedom. A whisper of wish to remind renewal; to sow the seeds of possibility and reap the wonders of willingness. 


  • Place a sage leaf into your wallet for greater wealth.

  • Write your wish on a sage leaf and place it under your pillow for 3 nights. Dream about your wish after the 3 nights of sleep and it will come true.

  • Crush a handful of sage into 2 liters of water and place the mixture into the sun for 9 days. Wash yourself head-to-toe in the infused water to cleanse your entirety.

  • If sage is a desired plant in the garden or home, be sure to have someone else plant it. Sage loves company and teaches us to embrace the connections available.

    • He also does not like to be separated from his brothers and sisters, so avoid planting him in a pot. His wisdom comes from his willing and wild network.

  • Burn sage and smoke cleanse any person, place, or thing. Begin by making clear the intention of the smoke cleanse.

    • Pay close attention to the smoke:

      • thin/weak smoke means the energy of what is being cleansed is clean.

      • thick/swirling smoke means the focus of the cleanse has negative energy.

      • when smoke cleanse is complete, let the sage extinguish itself (sage knows when the work is completed).

      • throughout the process continue to focus on the intention set from the beginning of the cleanse.

    • To smoke cleanse a person: may use a feather or hand to wave smoke at person being cleansed.

      • Stand in a T with arms out and try to balance on the tips of the toes for the beginning (to insure that smoke cleanses the bottoms of the feet).

      • Begin moving the sage bundle in slow ellipses beginning with the feet. Carefully swirl the smoke under the feet and work up towards the heart. From the heart move in the direction of either arm and complete the cleanse at the crown of the head.

    • To smoke cleanse a room:

      • Walk throughout the room and pay attention to the smoke. Some areas may need more clearing than others.

      • Focus on the intention set and allow the ritual to take form based on what feels appropriate:

        • Example: cleanse each corner with 3 passes, repeat a prayer/mantra with each passing, or count to 3 with each stop that feels necessary.


