Stay Hydrated

Summer safety is everywhere. The temperature goes up and talks about sunscreen and hydration begin. Countless posts containing suggestions on how to stay safe and utilize summertime…

But something seldom brought up when discussing the body and its ability to function in a specific environment is electrolytes.

Water’s roles in the body are endless, but the major focus here is:

  • Temperature regulation

  • Flushing waste out (kidneys and liver)

  • Moistening tissue (especially mucosal membranes like mouth, nose, and lungs)

  • Utilizing minerals in bloodstream

Especially if you’re sweating (exercise, illness, etc.), electrolytes need to be replaced. The electrolytes to focus on are sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

A good balance of these electrolytes allows your body to function optimally:

  • Retain water while sweating.

  • Properly regulate blood pressure.

  • Maintain muscles wellness (prevent cramping or spasms).

  • Maintain alertness and prevent tiredness.

Electrolytes can be found in sports drinks or coconut water, but those come with higher counts of (possibly processed) sugar. Sugar is definitely required in the recovery process, especially when working out, but not all sugars are created equal. Personal favorite: Honey.

Here is a fast, easy electrolyte recipe that will keep your body running well through the summer heat.

Ginger optional but highly recommended.

Don’t like ginger? Add some mint. Flavor it with your favorite berries or a slice of pineapple. Just be sure the lemon, salt, and honey are part of it and drink up the nurture.

Pink Himalayan salt contains all three aforementioned minerals (potassium, sodium, and magnesium).

Lemon juice has potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 (B6 helps convert food to energy).

Honey is the powerhouse of the three and contains calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorous, and zinc.

The sugar from honey is also a great little boost for any workout. Talk to any older generation jiu-jitsu practitioner or instructor and they’ll probably tell you about a honey consumption habit before and after practice. The body requires a nutritious sugar to boost and build.

Give your body what it needs so that the time spent hiking, training or simply sitting and sweating, is time spent feeling great.

Be sure to get some of that sun while you’re at it!


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