Communication Breakdown

Communication is an easily overlooked double-edged sword in day-to-day existence. It’s the foundation of both inter- and intrapersonal relationship. Daring to tell a loved one what we think may help them process an emotion or open a new possibility in perspective. Being honest with ourselves allows movement forward and progress towards desired goals. But knowing what is necessary and acting appropriately are two different things. 

There are times when thinking is the required action. Times when heavy consideration, soaked in detail, helps steer the decision to be made. And other times demand action instead of the seductive, procrastinating reflections. The ambivalent dance of wasting time. 

The same can be applied to interpersonal relationships with plants. Each plant is unique in its qualities and abilities. This knowledge can be met with understanding and used with purpose. It can also be ignored and laced with blame. 

Lavender is a great example of mixed reviews and differing opinions. 

Lavender’s popular property revolves around relaxation. This makes sense once its chemistry is considered.

When lavender is smelled and tasted it is mainly terpenes making up the experience. Terpenes are the aromatic compounds of plants. Lavender has a special terpene called linalool (also found in sweet basil, coriander, bay laurel, and others).

Linalool interacts with our individual chemistry with intention. 

For example, it reduces the signal strength of acetylcholine, which communicates muscle contraction from brain to body. By blocking acetylcholine, linalool is telling the nervous system to relax. 

Now imagine the average state of relaxation. It’s filled with fidgeting and movement. Thoughts of this needs to get done or I haven’t yet come to mind and the body responds. If linalool is helping block signals for muscle contraction, what good is it when muscles continue to nervously contract? 

Another example is linalool elevating adenosine. Adenosine is one of the building blocks of DNA and RNA. It is also a natural pain reliever. Since feeling less pain is a great way to relax, lavender (via linalool) helps spark this process. However, adenosine is blocked when caffeine is consumed. 

The stresses of the day pile up. Sitting in the same position brings out the aches and pains. Cups of coffee keep things going. But there needs to be time to relax, so let’s diffuse some lavender because it’s supposed to have a relaxing effect. The linalool signals an elevation in adenosine production, but the caffeine negates it. Final thought: Lavender doesn’t help me relax.  

The deeper the dive into detail, the more available the intended interactions become. The pathways begin to connect. But pathways must be navigated with purpose. 

Apply this to inter- and intrapersonal communication. There is a responsibility to consider emotion and perspective and see what blockages have built up. To address the assumptions and biases thwarting signals of love and compassion. A purification of intention and an increase in awareness (relaxed state). The space held by a peaceful mind and body signals openness. It is acceptance in action. 

There is much to be said for the concept mind over body, but an oversimplification works best for this example: thoughts are the beginnings of actions. 

When a thought feels ready it needs to be applied. Then a step back to consider the result. And the thought grows. As does the action it motivates. 

The signals others send must be received without a caffeine-like counterstep to cancel. The decision to listen must be a thought (mind) put into action (body). And the intention (mind) will motivate how ideas are communicated (body).

Constructive communication recognizes signals and maneuvers the possible pathways of learning.

It asks for typical habits to be set aside. It asks for the relaxed state to lead. 

Communication is an art form that can never be perfected. The number of possibilities and corresponding outcomes is endless. But the ways we perceive outcomes is limited to individual experience. 

To relax is to open and expand with the infinite. To admit what is known may simply be more of the unknown. And approach an other body with peace of mind. 

As Elvis once said, When things go wrong, don’t go with them.   


Emotion Potion
