Meet the Tribe: Hannah

Hannah is the owner/operator behind Wildmoon Alchemy. Her helping, healing hands and personality have many different outlets here, including: massage therapy, Reiki, herbal concocting, body care production, community building events, and so much more.

But most noticeable about where Hannah has been are the smiles. She leaves a trail of joy everywhere she goes.

She shares her wisdom in order to gain more. A life-long learner with a dedication to continue exploring the possibilities. In moments of hesitation or shakiness, Hannah is a force for belief and courage. She is the endless potential energy that holds its position relative to others.

A continuous force of magnetism and electricity. She is our Wild Moon.

What inspired you to open Wildmoon Alchemy?
I’ve been practicing massage therapy for over 12 years now and have always dreamt of running my own practice. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit and couldn’t resist the incredible opportunity that was being given me here.
The tea side of things came a little later as life brought me new lessons. Experiencing the full benefits of herbs during a time of deep healing inspired me deeply; I just had to share them with everyone!

How does your business play into your vision for the Castle Rock community?
To promote well-being, peace, and holistic living is truly an honor. We have such a great community here, with lots of people seeking a more natural way to support their health. I love hearing their success stories and how they’re able to help others in turn!
Our refill station really means a lot to me too. Knowing that we’ve helped others reduce waste and ease some stress on the planet is such an awesome thing.

What direction is Wildmoon Alchemy headed?
There’s some magic being brewed, I’ll give you that! Having Beth join our soul collective has brought so much positive energy and growth. We’re looking forward to serving our community more through massage, retreats and workshops, and of course, lots of delicious tea!

How do you stay current with diet, fitness, wellness trends, etc?
Most often I find myself getting curious about some random thing and going down a rabbit hole. The herbs inspire a lot of that! And I hear things from clients as they share their health journey with me. From there, it really becomes a lot of self-exploration to see what’s worth sticking to! Trends will come and go, but the foundations of health have always been the same.

How do you keep your sunny, positive disposition day in and day out?
Practicing what I preach certainly helps! Consistent and quality movement. Organic and nourishing foods. Meditation and gratitude. Spending time with loved ones and belly rubs for Luna. I feel very fortunate for the life I live, and even better that I get to share the joy!

What does "being of service" mean to you?
It means showing up and doing whatever needs to be done with an open heart and pure intent. It means stepping out of yourself and being present for someone else. There’s no expectation for the favor to be returned, just gratitude.

What wisdom has come from the process of building a business?
Oh goodness. I still feel like I’m learning everyday!
The greatest wisdom, I think, has come from learning to really trust myself. I am led by intuition and speaking up for that hasn’t always been easy. I had to dig my heels in a couple times and I’m so glad I did! My intuition keeps me centered on the true purpose of the work.
I don’t have any formal training in business management so there have certainly been humbling moments. A lot of wisdom in knowing when to ask for help too!
Ultimately, it’s been a heart-led process.

What is the greatest intention you live by?
To leave things better than I found them. To ease another’s burdens and fill them with peace and joy. To uplift and renew.

Using a single word, what is most important in life?

Of course it has to be love. When love is at the root of things, beauty grows. It softens the harsh edges and gives acceptance for whatever challenges we may face. It connects us at a soul level. It is the greatest gift, to love and be loved.


Pumpkin Bumpkin


Sip the Scales: Libra Blend