Sip the Scales: Libra Blend

Fall is a time to enjoy change and prepare for more to come. When the crunching leaves underfoot are accompanied by pumpkins and warming spices. A call to accept a dimming season, slowing down, until finally it sleeps.

Our deciduous friends shed a colorful layer as we begin to embrace more. The cooler air, breathed deeply, revives the lungs after a long, heated summer. And the sooner darkening days leave our blazing star chased and desired, not evaded and avoided.

It is also a time of warm hands and bellies filled with tea and tisane.

Wildmoon Alchemy celebrates Libra.

Now, a time to balance. Follow the routine reminder of each day steadily halved into light and dark. When we take time and focus on that which may be tipping the scales and, instead, find harmony.

Libra is an earthy blend that ends on a high-note of spearmint. The sweetness of the star anise aids the bitter ending of dandelion. The rosebud smooths and sweetens the red clover and marshmallow root. This blend will warm and refresh the tastebuds. Enjoy!

Red clover
Marshmallow root
Star anise


Meet the Tribe: Hannah


Better Believe